Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Liberal Media Strike Again.

Not only does Cheney have a gun, he has the liberal media on his side. First, look at this screen capture of the original MSNBC online story about the accident. Now take a look at the updated story. Notice anything different? Notice how all mention of alcohol has been scrubbed from the story? Isn't that special?

The Kenedy County Sherriff's department has officially said that "no alcohol" was involved. There seems to be a minor conflict here. How could the Sherriff make that claim with any certainty when they were denied access to the VP until the next morning? Alcohol was certainly available before the hunt. I suppose the Sherriff department relied on Cheney's long history of selfless honesty.

As Josh Marshall points out, it doesn’t take a guy in a tinfoil hat to suspect that the Kenedy County Sherriff’s department may have been a bit less than rigorous. It puts me in mind of one of the greats in law enforcement history.

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