You have to see it to believe it. The Washington DC press corps has been licking the Presidents boots for so long that they have forgotten what really good, biting satire feels, smells or tastes like. Stephen Colbert reminded them. Colbert rubbed their noses in it. It was a thing of beauty and long overdue.
The 92nd annual dinner for the White House Correspondents' Association was intended to be what the event has always been: a non-event. The well fed media get to bask in the aura of the President and all the other DC muckity-mucks, and pat each other on the back for another year of abysmal reporting. Someone forgot to include that agenda in Stephen Colbert’s invitation. He not only blasted Bush (who was sitting just feet away from the podium), he delivered scathing assaults on everyone in the room: Scott McClellan, Justice Scalia, and (most pointedly) the DC press corps. He definitely got Dubya's goat.
The laugher was tentative and nervous, and the room frequently went completely quiet (except – to his credit – Justice Scalia who had a good gut laugh at his own expense). The response in the room, however, was cacophonous compared the response by the media itself which essentially ignored the story until today.
Already a Thank You Stephen Colbert web site has sprung up. Over 28,000 people have said their ‘thank you’s to Stephen by the time I made this post.
Image © Salon.com
1 comment:
XL - At about 1:45 I was thank you # 38416
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