Monday, November 10, 2014

Reworking My Online Persona

I've made a couple changes to my online persona recently. Last week I finally terminated my Face Book (FB) account. I'm still in the 14 day waiting period before they allegedly will delete my account permanently, but I've signed off and submitted the formal request to delete it. We'll see if I can remain strong and not reactivate it. I've already become weak twice before and didn't follow through. I'm suspecting it's because I didn't give myself another outlet. I'm attempting to address that potential failing this time around. I still hear the siren call, but I'm lashing myself to the mast of my ship.

Instead, I'm choosing two distinct paths for my online existence. The first is Twitter. Yes, yes, I know. Exchanging FB for Twitter is like swapping meth for crack. I get it. Regardless, for those who can't digest bites of text longer than 140 characters, I've got you covered. You can follow me @KBeta. It's an old account, and I honestly don't even know why I started it. I think Twitter was less than a year old when I did. There's a hip-hop artist in North Carolina who was rather put out that I scooped the handle before he did. KBeta is one of the two nicknames I've collected through the years. The other nickname was Bubba. Yes, I'm a recovering Bubba. Neither nickname really stuck, but I always preferred KBeta to Bubba. Besides, @Bubba was long gone.  

The second venue is this blog. Writers writer. If I wish to actually manifest as writer other than in my fantasies I need to force myself to write, and I mean REALLY write. Not re-posting the thoughts and images of someone else. Not engaging in pointless political and religious flame wars. Not belching out futile attempts at prose to an audience that isn't visiting FB for narratives. It's been years since I've seriously put in the time and effort that is necessary for me to write at the level at which I know I'm able. It's a skill, like all other skills, it needs to be exercised and honed. I'm woefully out of shape in that regard. Of course, it's a self-indulgence. Most writing is. My thoughts are neither unique nor original. The point is not to enlighten or inform the reader with my profound insights on the nature of the human condition and the universe around us. There are much better sources for that kind of information. The point is to get my voice out there. It's really not important if anyone listens. Frankly, I don't expect many will. The sheer volume of content in the inter-tubes will swamp out my pathetic squeaks, but at a minimum these squeaks to be uniquely mine. I will present myself it the form that I choose and not in the form that is dictated a medium that not even vaguely interested in genuine thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness is what I'm hoping to put forth here. 

I admitted in my FB sign off that I've done my fair share to add to the internet cacophony. I posted plenty of pointless, useless crap. Mercifully, there were only a few cat videos. It's painfully easy to regurgitate effluence in that medium. In an ADD world FB is an ideal venue for the knee-jerk reactions and unconsidered emotional outbursts. I've had enough of such feeble communications both from myself and those I know. I don't mean to diminish my collection of friends on FB, but that venue seems to me to be more about posting for the sake of posting then posting with purpose. My posts here will be fewer and farther between than on FB, but I hope they will be more substantive. 

The goal, for now, is for a minimum of one post per week. I haven't selected my topics as of yet, but I initially intend to steer away from polemics about incendiary topics. Enjoy (or despise) my silly political rants available in my previous posts. I do not intend to revisit those topics. I'm past the absurd Red-Blue battles which are largely manufactured by the media and intended to divide us. I'll probably still drone on about baseball from time to time, so be forewarned. I'm a card carrying atheist, so don't expect me to automatically respect your beliefs if they are arcane or demonstrably false. Other than those caveats, I may post just about anything here. I hope you'll find it worth your time. Hmmm... maybe some more haikus... 


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