Monday, June 16, 2008

Moyers & Fraser on the New Gilded Age

Here's a spot-0n discussion about our modern Gilded Age.

For those of you who are still a little foggy on the the first Gilded Age, take a look at the 1873 piece by Mark Twain the coined the phrase.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Liberal" Media - Chris Matthews

Here's the latest short from Brave New Films. Notice the complete lack of bias.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Let the Rumors Loose!!!

This story should just be a nice little side note. A Hollywood star sends an encouraging e-mail to a Presidential candidate, and the candidate writes back. A correspondence then ensues. No problems, right?

Oh PA-LEESE! How can you be so naive? We now hear that Obama has been corresponding with Scarlett Johansson. You know, THAT Scarlett Johansson: the latest in a long line of Marilyn Monroe look-a likes! The letters JFK have been swirling around Obama's head like a swarm of gnats for months, and now he's got his own Marilyn.

Wait until the tabloids get a hold of this story! Talk about having legs! The story, that is. Scarlett has nice ones too, and there will no doubt be no small amount of ink spilled discussing them. What I'm talking about is a tale of two pictures:


To be completely fair, the correspondence between Obama and Johansson seems utterly platonic and innocent. There's no FACTUAL reason to believe otherwise. Then again, since when has the MSM let facts get in the way of a good story? "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war."

This story has the potential to be HUGE, and not in a good way for Obama. Nothing gets the squinty-eyed bigots of this country more wound up than the idea of a black man with a white woman... a BLONDE white woman. Oi vey! Hmmm... what demographic group has been voting Republican a lot lately... hmmm... could it be squinty-eyed bigots?!?! Yeah, you betcha. We haven't hear the last of this story.

Another example of the "liberal" MSM

The "liberal" mainstream media would certainly pounce on the Senate Intelligence Committee report that confirms that the White House essentially lied us into an unnecessary war. As Jon Stewart would say, "Not so much."

Monday, June 09, 2008

Fox Producer Gets p0wnd by Moyers

Porter Barry, producer for Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox, tries to ambush Bill Moyers. Bill kindly and gently turns the tables and humiliates him. Barry is totally out of his league.

Got Free Press?

Bill Moyers slams media consolidation as only he can. Here is his keynote address at the 2008 National Conference for Media Reform.